Easy to make Chicken Kebabs perfect for a BBQ or quick dinner.

Combine the marinade ingredients and mix in the chicken, cover and chill. For best results marinade overnight.
Soak bamboo sticks in cold water to avoid burning when cooking. Place the marinaded chicken onto the skewers with onion and peppers in between chicken. Brush with oil once completed.
Turn the grill up to high and place the kebabs on it for 15 minutes. Turn every few minutes and cook through until golden and lightly charred.
Just before the kebabs are cooked warm the flatbread on a dry griddle or frying pan until golden and toasted. Serve with lettuce and sauce of your choice. Squeeze some lemon juice before serving over kebabs.
Combine the marinade ingredients and mix in the chicken, cover and chill. For best results marinade overnight.
Soak bamboo sticks in cold water to avoid burning when cooking. Place the marinaded chicken onto the skewers with onion and peppers in between chicken. Brush with oil once completed.
Turn the grill up to high and place the kebabs on it for 15 minutes. Turn every few minutes and cook through until golden and lightly charred.
Just before the kebabs are cooked warm the flatbread on a dry griddle or frying pan until golden and toasted. Serve with lettuce and sauce of your choice. Squeeze some lemon juice before serving over kebabs.